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Ms. Hao Wang Talks Estate Plan in London

Publish Time:2012-04-16Source: Click:

Due to Ms. Hao Wang's leading position in wealth management and estate plan field in PRC, Cross Border Estate Plan Subcommittee of Society of Trustees and Estate Practitioners headquartered in London had invited Ms. Wang to give a presentation on Estate Plan in China on 26th March 2012. More than 50 STEP members attended this seminar. Ms. Wang introduced how foreigners shall do estate plan in China in relation to their assets in China and how Chinese with assets or investment in foreign countries shall structure their wealth. During the Q&A session, there was a heated discussion as to how to help PRC high net worth individuals in structuring their global wealth.

RayYin & Partners began its wealth management practice when the firm was established in 2005. RayYin provides legal advice concerning estate plan to individuals who want to manage their financial interests more effectively. For more details about RayYin's wealth management or estate plan practice, or to make an appointment to discuss what to do with your assets, please contact Ms. Hao Wang at wh@rayyinlawyer.com or Mr. Yi Zhou at zy@rayyinlawyer.com.