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Attorney Yang Invited for the Relevant Issues on South Africa’s Antidumping Investigation

Publish Time:2007-10-08Source: Click:
South Africa placed on file to initiate an anti-dumping investigation on section aluminum of our country. With this as its background, the Bureau of Foreign Economy and Trade of Foshan City recently organized 16 companies involved in the anti-dumping cases to hold a coordination meeting to respond to the investigation and, upon invitation, Attorney Yang Lin with Yayyin & Partners - an anti-dumping expert, explained to enterprises of Foshan City the procedure, characteristics of the anti-dumping investigation in South Africa, and the coping strategies.

Mr. Yang said that South Africa recognize China's market economy status, while the South African’s importers have larger influence on their government. Foshan aluminum enterprises should actively participate in the invertigation and should not give up easily the South African market.

It is learned that the representative of Guangdong Jianmei Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd. has clearly indicated that they would paticipate in the investigation , while other entreprise representatives said that they should evaluate before deciding whether to participate in the investigation or not.